Saturday, April 15, 2006

My First Blog

Ok Folks. Or rather I think I should start with a why... I mean Hi... You know all the while when I was writing the previous line I wanted to write "I should start with a Hi" but somehow when I wrote it, it became "Why". I dont know why. Interested. No I mean interesting.

Let me get to it. Hi every one. For sometime this thought has been in my mind. You must be wondering which thought I mean. The thought of actually starting a blog. I had heard of them but then never ever tried doing anything with them. Occasionally a google search used to return a blog (mind you all this time I have been using google for searching mainly technology related stuff. sad is it not). Now it was time I started writing something.
There is of course another reason to this. I wanted to write something out. Something anything. You know there are so many idiosynchronous (not sure whether I got the word right, hopefully you got the meaning right) things running in your head and I felt maybe I could use a blog to let off some steam. What do you think. I actually would not bother much on what you would think. I am more bothered about what I feel right now. If I feel good after writing a blog then I would feel my blog would have served its primary purpose. I qualify it as primary because otherwise you would say if that is all i wanted then why not use a good damn word processor and write it down in your own machine (or use a book/diary). So apart from satisfying the primary purpose I thought it would be good to share it with my fellow beings. Many of you (especially after reading this) would probably hate/despise/dislike/plainly bored of what I have to say and might never come back and avoid my blogs at all costs. Some of you would probably pity me as to think that this guy must be really stressed to be writing such blogs. Yet some others might think that they see a brother, who is sailing in the same boat as them. Not sure who those e-kin will be but all the same there is nothing wrong with a search. So finally I am going to start of blogging.

That is it. More than enough I think

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