Sunday, December 07, 2008

Making up for lost ground - is it always possible

Sometimes you miss doing things. Sometimes this does not remain just sometimes. It is a bit of stretch. And when it starts to stretch and you start missing things for longer time, then catching up becomes very difficult. Making up for lost ground becomes nearly impossible. You try to run (symbolically) and you find that first of all that your own inertia is very high now. It has built up. You start overcoming that and then you find that all the things which you missed have pissed of the people who matter and there is lot of inertia in them. Even to the extent that they now have given up on you.
It is very difficult to convince them. They have suffered because of you. There faith and belief in you is shaken. You track record is pathetic. The practical difficulties also take toll. The interest in doing things are finished. You have let them down... You were not there when it mattered... What do you do?

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